Kehidupan adalah anugerah utama Illahi. Anugerah kehidupan memberi gambaran kebesaranNya buat kita manusia, yang wajib kita syukuri dan hargai. Internet adalah kemudahan buat umat manusia. Justeru itu, manfaatkan ia untuk kesejahteraan diri kita dan umat sejagat. Sentiasalah kita beringat, apa yang kita lakukan, akan dipertanggungjawabkan di kemudian hari. Gunakan sebaik-baiknya kurniaan Allah swt kepada kita. Halalkan kegunaan akal, hati dan lidah pada perkara yang bakal membawa kecemerlangan diri kita dunia dan akhirat. Kita hidup hanya sekali. Sekali 'pergi' tak kan kembali. Buat baik berpada-pada, dan buat jahat JANGAN sekali-kali. Kewujudan website ApeKeHell dengan blog sebagai wadah untuk meningkatkan nilai diri. Bermatlamatkan penyatuan ummah dengan ciri-ciri kemurnian budi dan budaya. Walaupun, dunia terus maju dengan teknologi, kita akan terus kekal dengan akhlak dan jati diri insani.







Sapa Click Gambar Bawah Ni, Dia Memang Perghh...!

Afdlin shauki bengap lagi ... aduyaiiii

Hi guys, My name is Afdlin Shauki, I am a Malaysian who loves his country just like you, I am a film director, a writer, an actor, a comedian by profession, a father, a husband and a son. I have worked for over 20 years in the entertainment industry and although I was trained as an architect, I decided to join the entertainment industry because it is about making people happy, about making people open their minds to the infinite possibilities that life has to offer through one’s creative endeavors. In a time when there are so many things to frown upon, the arts provide some form of balance to our emotions.

I think over the 20 years, there have been millions of children, teenagers, adults and warga emas who I have entertained and have given at least a brief respite from their hectic daily life. The funny thing is, all this while, I have been an UMNO supporter but nobody cared because nobody knew. My question is that, now I have become an UMNO member, does that suddenly make me an evil person? Does that make me different from whom I was before? Is it wrong to have a point of view?

I am a person who has always spoken my mind, and through my body of work, I have made known things which are important to me.
Have I pissed the government off before? I’m not sure, but I probably have when I did my political comedy satire shows before. I also did the music video ‘UNDILAH’ which was banned by the government for being too political, even my Datin Maimon is taken to be a parody of the first lady, eventhough that is purely coincidental. My father in-law is from the opposition party in Sabah. A lot of my friends in the arts are very vocal supporters of the opposition, but political differences aside, we are still friends and family because at the end of the day we are Malaysians and want the very best for Malaysia.

I know a lot of you are asking why I decided to join UMNO, why now?
Does it really matter?

Those of you who have made up your mind that you do not like me anymore, have already set your thoughts and have judged me. Suddenly I have become unlikeable, even though essentially I have not changed.
For those who genuinely want to know, the reason is that I believe in their mission and ideology, I believe that they are genuine in wanting to have a cleaner more progressive government, genuine in wanting to see us all safe and to prosper. There will always be a few bad hats in any party but the point is that UMNO wants to clean up their act because they know in order to be the people’s choice once again, they have to make that change. I want to be a part of that. I believe in 1 Malaysia, all my films have always had those elements within. I believe positivity begets positivity, the current government isn’t perfect, nor do they claim to be, but if they are genuine in wanting to transform themselves into a better government, then I’m all for it. If there is something that I disagree about with regards to what the party is doing then I will voice it out to the powers that be. Because as a member it is my right to help the party become better.
As a person what I want in life is peace and a chance for all of us to live our lives to the fullest. A place for my children to be able to grow and live safely.
I am still Afdlin Shauki. I am now an UMNO member, but i believe it’s ok to have different political views and still be friends. I am still a social commentator through my art and I will stand and fight for any fellow Malaysians in need, regardless what party they belong to.

Haters will hate everything regardless. Positive people look at situations as possibilities. I am not becoming a politician but now you know my political views. I am still an artiste who will keep on doing his work. To entertain everyone, regardless.

To those who are going to end their relationship with me, I wish you well and all the best in everything you do. To those who might not like the idea but respect my right as a Malaysian too choose, I thank you. To new friends, welcome to the life of Afdlin Shauki… never a dull moment hahaha…. Boboi selalu bikin panassss!

Lastly to everyone:
Don't judge me for my political inclinations, judge me for the work i have done for my society. But even if you do, it is your right.

Power to the people.

Afdlin Shauki
  Lagi di bawah.....!!
Selepas mendapat response negatif dari peminat peminat beliau afdlin shauki membuat penjelasan tentang mengapa beliau mendaftar menjadi ahli umno dan mengapa ianya berlaku sekarang . And it this in english my dear friends ..  because he was trained as an architect. Come on man you dont have to tell people that you are trained to be an architect and forgo that because you want to make people happy . alamak cakap omputih lak aku .. It is the right time and place plus situation for you to make the decision man is all about popularity , to gain something that you do best and, that is to sell yourself to the public and that it is all about . Dont tell all the crap thing about to help government to do the right thing bla bla bla .. hey you are the one who judge people in the first place ... any of your fan have a right to tell you their thought . Walaupun aku gila babi bengang dgn AC MIZAL pasal dia kencing aku berterabur tapi aku still tgk dia punya show ... pasal dia punya bakat bro . Lu pun sama jugak orang akan still tgk lawak bodoh ko tu ( kelakar siot datin maimon terbaik la ) . Aku tak boleh nak deny you are one talented fat ass man . Dari masa zaman ko menyanyi lagi aku dah kenal ko dah tapi ko jer tak kenal aku ... tapi kita pernah jumpe sekali la dulu well .. you and your wife were there and my first impression is wow gile urban afdlin ngan bini dia nih .. seluar pendek , pakai baju tanpa lengan . So taknak bersikap judging people on the first meeting aku tak boleh lari dari bertanya tanya adakah Afdlin shauki ini dekat dgn islam .. Well mungkin aku akan kena belasah ngan reader pasal sikap ingin tahu aku ini .
Well friend sekarang ni adalah zaman kebangkitan islam dinegara ini , dan ramai yg menuduh kerajaan kurang islamik didalam beberapa pekara . Mungkin ramai diantara golongan golongan urban dimalaysia ini tidak mementingkan sensitiviti masyarakat melayu dan islam di negara kita sendiri . Golongan 2 urban tidak meletakkan agama itu sebagai panduan hidup mereka , cth yg paling jelas didalam isu menutup aurat . The most simplest thing to do if you are a muslim man . There is nothing wrong being urban in the first place but pls give ISLAM as your way of life . 
Why people get angry when you join UMNO .. pada aku simple jer sekarang ni mood orang ramai tgh benci gile kat UMNO bukan kat Afdlin shauki . So orang tak marah kat ko bro orang marah ngan UMNO jer rilek arrr . Lu pun satu yg siap nak bagi announcement tu apekehell ...kan publisity murahan dari umno yg nak menumpang kan ko yg popular tu ... sebab tu aku panggil ko ni bengap ... lek arr der lu nak marah ke wa apedehall .. 

Lu dah popular der takyah cari publisiti murahan ..apasal misteri jalan lama tak jual ke ?


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